4D Show Duration: 04:05 Format: 3D HD Audio: 5.1 Prepare yourself to take off from an aircraft carrier and jet through rugged arctic terrain in search of a disabled submarine. Be careful as your journey takes you through enemy territory, towering pillars of ice and a giant mining facility. To enquire about licensing please email...
4D Show Duration: 03:50 Format: 3D HD Audio: 5.1 Are you fixin’ for some excitement? Well rev up your engines and go hog wild with these pigs as they tear up the country side. So quit playin’ possum and lets do some Roadhoggin’. To enquire about licensing please email licensing@thejuice.com or call +44 (0) 207...
4D Show Duration: 03:55 Format: 3D HD & Oculus Audio: 5.1 Avast me hearties! Batten down the hatches and hoist the colors, we be takin’ a plunge down the motherload of all water slides. Take me word ya scurvy dog, ye be havin’ yourself a grand great adventure. Arrrr! To enquire about licensing please email...
4D Show Duration: 03:30 Format: 3D HD & Oculus Audio: 5.1 Have you ever wondered what rats do in your house when you are not around? They race of course! Put the petal to the metal and hold on tight for a high octane rush through a house and it’s floor boards. To enquire about...
4D Show Duration: 05:00 Format: 3D HD & Oculus Audio: 5.1 Travel through the universe with us through the PORTAL. Experience Space, the Sea, the Future and the World Beyond. To enquire about licensing please email licensing@thejuice.com or call +44 (0) 207 193 7473. return to entertainment
4D Show Duration: 03:30 Format: 3D HD & Oculus Audio: 5.1 Lured in by a beautiful Victorian house for sale you are trapped by it’s demonic occupant. Run quickly through it’s horrors to escape with your life or get caught and lose your soul. To enquire about licensing please email licensing@thejuice.com or call +44 (0)...
4D Show Duration: 03:30 Format: 3D HD & Oculus Audio: 5.1 Welcome to Outpost 12, our sister station on planet Kaas. Take a tour of our facilities and surrounding areas on a rocket powered coaster. Hop on board, secure your restraints and keep your hands in the vehicle at all time. To enquire about licensing...
4D Show Duration: 04:20 Format: 3D HD & Oculus Audio: 5.1 Do you dare to enter the forest at night? It is said to be home of spooks and specters of all types and sizes. Legend speaks of an evil Blood Wraith trapped with in a giant crystal within these woods. Travel with us as...
4D Show Duration: 05:00 Format: 3D HD & Oculus Audio: 5.1 Take a ride with us to a distant planet where strange creatures of all sizes roam it’s surface. Our highly trained safari guides will get you up close and personal with these amazing animals. To enquire about licensing please email licensing@thejuice.com or call +44...
4D Show Duration: 03:40 Format: 3D HD Audio: 5.1 To enquire about licensing please email licensing@thejuice.com or call +44 (0) 207 193 7473. return to entertainment
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