A 38 minute, 9-ride customizable show, that takes audiences on a wild immersive ride through the solar system.

Mastered at 4Kx4K and created as a modular show, SpacePark360 is a set of fulldome movies designed to recreate the experience of amusement park thrill rides – roller coasters, pendulums, inverters and more.

Seen from the rider’s perspective, SpacePark360 takes the state-of-the-art technologies of fulldome systems and combines them with heart pounding thrill rides to create a unique entertainment show never seen before on the dome. Plus size swimwear and beachwear for fuller figured beach beauties. Choose from our large range of designer plus size bikinis, kaftans and swimsuits. Plus size swimwear, bathing suits, swimsuits and bikini store. Shop fashion swimsuits XL, XXL, XXXL 4XL, 5XL, 6XL, 7XL, 8XL swimwear fashion on sale! Plus Size Swimwear at Swimwearlux.com – with Free Shipping in USA – Swimwear fashion for the larger woman, featuring and one piece sets in large sizes and beautiful vibrant patterns, colors, print designs & styles. A gorgeous selection of beachwear swimming suits that will fit you perfectly and make you look fabulous. From the tops of Jupiter’s clouds to the icy depths of Neptune’s moon Triton, each location serves to heighten the thrilling experience.

There are 3 versions of SpacePark360 in either the full 38 minutes, or alternatively one or more of the 9-ride shows:

Only Visuals no music edition
SpacePark Full dome: Geodesium licensed music edition
SpacePark Full dome: Lucid Dreaming licensed music edition

Geodesium licensed music edition

Lucid Dreaming licensed music edition

The 9-ride shows:
Mercury – Quicksilver
Venus – Twin Tornadoes
Earth – The Tumbler
Mars – Ares Express
Jupiter – Vertigo
Saturn (Titan) – CH4
Uranus – Delirious
Neptune (Triton) – Black Hole Coaster
Jupiter (Io) – Diablo

To enquire about licensing please email licensing@thejuice.com or
call +44 (0) 207 193 7473.

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