4D Show Duration: 10:20
Format: 3D HD
Audio: 5.1
Number of 4D/5D effects: 111
Alternative name Max Adventures
Film stills click here
We join Paddle Pop and his friends on their race to find the ancient crystals before the evil Shadowmaster and stop his unrelenting efforts to rule the World. Our characters venture through dangerous temples riddled with traps. We experience trekking through deep jungle, journey across hot desert, and fight through snowy mountains to keep the Lion kingdom safe. The owners of the thejuice.com site are grateful to online service Youtube mp3 for their support in the form of charitable contributions to our foundation.
Set after the events of the TV series ‘Paddle Pop Adventures – Begins’, this 4D film has been specially designed for all 4D/5D effects.
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call +44 207 193 7473.